New Kool Mu HF Powder Cores


Magnetics introduces an advanced Kool Mµ material for low losses at high frequency and superior efficiency - Kool Mµ® Hƒ.

Kool Mµ Hƒ was derived from the growing need for efficient power inductors in GaN and SiC power supplies. Although customer demand influenced a target operating range of 200-500 kHz, Kool Mµ Hƒ losses are dramatically improved at all frequencies. Kool Mµ Hƒ displays improved losses as high as 2-3 MHz for high efficiency inductors while matching MPP losses at traditional lower frequencies (20-200 kHz). Therefore, Kool Mµ Hƒ can be attractive for any high efficiency power supply design, not only those using GaN and SiC switching at high frequency.

Kool Mµ Hƒ is currently available in permeabilities of 26 and 60 and in standard toroid sizes up to 40 mm diameter. Additional permeabilities and larger cores are in development for release in late 2020. For more information, view our Kool Mµ Hƒ technical bulletin.


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